Wednesday, October 26, 2011

IOS 5 Review

I currently am running IOS 5 on my iPhone 4, and the rest of the family is running it on their respective 3rd and 4th generation iPod Touches. For the most part, I'm pretty happy with the update, and several fixes/features really stand out for me.

  • Spell Check -You can now turn on spell check and turn off auto-correct. Previously, turning off auto-correct also turned off check my spelling. I like seeing the red underline when I misspell a word, and I'm really glad they fixed this.
  • Notifications -Notifications work really well. I was really missing the droid style notifications, and as usual, Apple made some improvements to the process. I like being able to go directly into the app receiving the notification directly from the lock screen, and I'm glad they no longer disrupt playing Angry Birds.
  • Reminders -LOVE this! This app should have been included from day one. My one wish is that Apple would allow reminders to perform actions. Currently, my reminders are set to a geolocation around my house reminding me to turn off my ringer when I leave, and turn on my ringer when I get home. I was really used to the Blackberry profiles that could turn off your ringer during the work day, and turn it back on when you are home. Even android offered similar functionality through an app. When I switched to the iPhone, I found myself constantly forgetting to turn on my ringer when I returned home. Now I set a reminder to tell me to turn the ringer back on, but why can't the phone do that for me?
  • Trailers -The app is exactly what it sounds like. It plays movie trailers from the Apple website. Not sure why they need a separate app when you could do the same thing by looking up the movie in safari, but it does make it easy to find a movie trailer.
  • Camera -They finally managed to implement pinch to zoom on the camera. Other than that, it's pretty much the same app.
  • Wireless Synching -Not really a deal breaker for me. It works as advertised (Although it has crashed iTunes a couple times). However, plugging into the USB port also charges my phone so if you have a computer, I don't see why you would need wi-fi synch.
  • iCloud -Works just like Dropbox. Only difference is that it also works with your contacts and calendar.
That being said, there are a few things I'm not to happy about.
  • Newsstand -Hmmm... How do I say this politely? I hate this app! Not that there's anything wrong with the idea behind the app, but I'm not going to try to make my iPhone screen my primary reader so I don't use it. So why do I hate the app? Because you can't drop it into a folder and hide it if you're never going to use it. It just sits there, empty, taking up a spot for an app.
  • Camera -In the IOS 5 video it shows the ability to access the camera right from the lock screen. If it's there, I don't see how to use it. The camera button doesn't show up on my lock screen.
    • Update: The icon doesn't show up until you double tap the home button from your lock screen, AND it only shows up until you unlock the screen. The next time your phone locks you have to double tap home, and then press the camera button to access the camera. I fail to see how this multi-step approach is any faster than unlocking my phone and selecting the camera app. Perhaps if my phone was locked with a passcode, but I don't use one.
    • Update 2: From Apple's IOS 5 page "Open the Camera app with one tap." Nope, it takes 3 taps. :(
  • Integrated Twitter support. Not that I have anything against Twitter, but I never use it. Apple already integrates Facebook support into apps (iPhoto) on the Mac, why not IOS? Here's an area where android beats IOS hands down. On my droid, every time I installed an app, it automatically integrated itself into the OS. Want to publish a picture to Flikr directly from the camera app? No problem. FaceBook? Orkut? Google+? No problem.
  • Siri and Voice to Text -Here's the kicker. There have already been videos showing Siri running on other IOS apps than the iPhone 4s, but Apple only allows it to run on the 4S. 
    • Steve Jobs said, "Many Android OEMs install proprietary user-interfaces to differentiate themselves from the commodity Android experience. The user is left to figure it all out. Compare this with iPhone where every handset works the same." Looks like we can't say that anymore. Safari is only tabbed on the iPad, Siri only works on IOS 5 on the iPhone 4s. I probably wouldn't mind so much if Apple had simply come out and said IOS 5 only works on the 4s and up, but they didn't so we're starting to see OS fragmentation just like android. My first generation Motorola Droid had voice to text, why can't the supposedly superior iPhone?
What do you think of IOS 5?

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